Glutathione Peroxidase, MSM, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Lecethin Grape Seed Extract, L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin C, Quercetin, N-Acetyl Cysteine

Anti-Aging Supplements are supplements that help you age slower.
In order to understand what supplements are most effective at helping you age slower, it is important to understand what most contributes to aging.
Despite the idea you may get from a lot of popular books on the subject, there is no scientific conscensus as to why we age. There is The Free Radical/Mitochondrial Decline Theory of Aging (Harman), The Cross Linking Theory of Aging (Bjorksten) The Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging (Dilman), Cell DivisionTheory of Aging (Hayflick) and a few others.
At LookCut, we have studied all of the theories of aging to integrate the majority of available evidence into a comprehensive strategy for aging and weight loss. Our approach to supplementation emphasises a comprehensive, wholistic upplementation approach to retard aging. Key in this approach is utilizing supplementation to combat cell membrane damage, mitochondrial decay, improve digestive and GI health, enzymatic decay, cell ATP production, and protection of your energy and neuroendocrine axis.
Foods with low glycemic load
Foods with high fiber
Foods with low caloric density
Foods high in Anti-Oxidants

Metabolic Aging contributes to age related weight gain. Aging is perhaps the most overlooked component of weight loss and weight management.
A true long term strategy for being lean and fit for life understands that an anti-aging strategy goes hand in hand with permanent weight loss.
Mitigating Age Related Weight Gain:
As we age, the following factors tend to contribute towards weight gain. LookCuts Age related weight loss strategy takes into account the following:
Mitochondrial decay
Damage to and rigidity of the cell wall
Decline in enzyme production
Damage to your energy metabolism
Impaired circulation
A supplement plan to mitigate weight gain from age related factors is vital. The following supplememts exert powerful anti-aging properties as part of a life long weight loss plan
Omega 3 Fats
Super Oxide Dismutase
Vitamin C
Alpha Lipoic Acid